
Amarillo Chapter

Amarillo Chapter Texas Association of Sports Officials -- Football By-Laws



This organization shall be known as the Amarillo Chapter, Texas Association of Sports Officials — Football, a division of the Texas Association of Sports Officials, a Texas Non-Profit Incorporation. Should the state organization adopt any name change, the organization shall automatically be known as the Amarillo Chapter, of the adopted name change, without a By-Laws change.



The purpose of the Association shall be to foster and promote national and international amateur sports competition in the game of football by:

A) Advancing the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play through qualified officiating in football and respect for the authority of football officials at all levels of competition;

B) Providing educational programs to advance the skill of football officials at all levels of competition;

C) Conducting public information programs that will encourage appreciation for the skill and competence of football officials;

D) Placing special emphasis on developing concepts of good sportsmanship among the youth of the nation, both as competitors and as spectators;

E) Conducting studies and analyses of football rules to identify sources of officiating problems and seek solutions in cooperation with appropriate rule making bodies;

F) Developing and maintaining a membership consisting of experienced and capable football officials whose integrity is above reproach and who are actively engaged each year in officiating games:

G) Fostering a high standard of ethics, encouraging fair play, sportsmanship, closer cooperation and better understanding among officials, athletic representatives, coaches, student athletes, athletic directors and the media.



A) The Officers of the chapter shall be one Immediate Past President, (for one year immediately following vacation of the office of President), one President, one Vice-President, one Secretary, one Assistant Secretary, one Treasurer and one Recorder.

B) The Officers of the chapter shall constitute the Executive Committee.

C) The Board of Directors shall be seven (7) Officers, in the first year following officer elections if the immediate past president is not re-elected, six (6) Officers in the preceding years, until a new president is elected, and five (5) Divisional Representatives from the general membership, without office.



A) All Officers and Divisional Representatives, to be eligible for and hold office, either elected or appointed, must be and remain members in good standing during their term or terms of office.

B) The immediate Past President shall remain on the board, as a voting member, for the first year after his/her term has expired as President.

C) The term of office for officers shall be for two (2) years commencing January 1 after election, and ending December 31, two years later.

D) Candidates for President, Vice-President and Secretary must have been a member in good standing of the TASO – Football for ten (10) years. All candidates for other Officers of Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football must be a member in good standing and not in Group 2.

E) Divisional Representatives will be elected each year to maintain an accurate reflection of the general membership base. Divisional Representatives will be nominated and elected based on the following criteria.

(1) Each division will have one Divisional Representative, Division1 through Division 5;

(2)  Nominees will be nominated, by their divisional peers, for the division they will be in the upcoming year of their term.  The successful candidate(s), (receiving the majority of votes), shall represent their respective division beginning January 1, the year following their election, for a 1 year term.

F) Candidates for Officer(s), and Divisional Representatives, must have paid their dues for the ensuing year, prior to their name(s) being placed on a ballot for election.

G) Elections shall occur at the final general membership meeting, of the current season, by the members present and voting and by absentee ballots.

H) In case of a resignation, removal of or move of an Officer or Divisional Representative, the President shall appoint an individual to fulfill the term of the said Officer or Divisional Representative. In the case of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.

I) A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall serve as Election Judge.

J) Nominations for each Officer and Divisional Representative shall be made to the Nominating Committee no later than two (2) weeks before the last regularly scheduled meeting. After the Nominating Committee report is presented at the last regularly scheduled general membership meeting, nominations may be made from the floor. Nominations from the floor must have the approval of the individual before nomination. No further nominations may be made after this meeting.

K) The election of Officers and Divisional Representatives shall be by secret ballot prepared by the Election Judge of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

L) All Officers and Divisional Representatives shall be elected by majority vote of the members present and voting and by any absentee votes prior to the last regularly scheduled general membership meeting. In case no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be placed on a second ballot and another vote taken. Written absentee votes will be counted in each run-off ballot taken.



The qualifications for membership, duties of Officers and Divisional Representatives and such regulations as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of business and affairs of the Chapter shall be provided for in the By-Laws.



The By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a majority vote of the members present and voting, providing that all proposed changes shall have been presented, in writing, two (2) weeks prior to the meeting at which the vote on the amendment is going to be taken.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Membership Committee. He/she shall appoint all committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall be responsible for all negotiations on behalf of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.



A) The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to act. He/she shall also serve as Program Chairman and be responsible for all training and any other programs conducted. He/she shall also serve as Chairman of the Scholarship Committee.

B) The Vice President will aid in training as follows:

(1) Set up and conduct all training sessions for new members and evaluations in training sessions.

(2) Set up and conduct continuous sessions for experienced members of the chapter to assist membership to adapt to new rules changes and to become more proficient as experience professional officials

(3) Consult with experienced members experiencing problem and/or difficulties and assist them in resolving those officiating problems and/or difficulties.



The Secretary shall perform general duties and game assignment duties.

A) General Duties:

1)  The Secretary shall supervise and direct the Assistant Secretary in all his/her duties to assist the Secretary.

2)  The Secretary shall receive all applications for membership in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football and/or from TASO – Football.

3)  The Secretary shall keep a complete file on each member of the chapter.

4)  The Secretary shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for all correspondence of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football. This requirement may be delegated to the Recorder.

5)  All account statements, from the bank, will be mailed to the designated P.O. Box for Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.  The Secretary shall retrieve and distribute these account statements to the President and Treasurer.


B) Game Assignment Duties:

1)  The Secretary shall maintain a roster of the qualified members of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football and this roster shall be made available to coaches, school officials or other persons as directed by the Executive Committee, through the current utilized scheduling system.

2)  The Secretary shall obtain from each school, whose schedule will be worked, a list of acceptable and unacceptable officials. The Head Coach or some authorized school official shall submit all unacceptable officials via the process outlined by the University Interscholastic League (UIL).

3)  The Secretary shall assign the officials based on the school’s list of acceptable and unacceptable officials and based on which officials are available on the dates in question.

4) The Secretary shall assist any coach or school official with the officiating requests, etc. that are not specifically covered in the By-Laws.

5) All requests for officials will be kept in the files of the chapter under the supervision of the Secretary, and this file shall be made available to a member of the chapter at his/her request.

6) All games worked by the officials of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football shall be recorded by the Secretary and kept on file. Any games assigned by sources other than the Amarillo Chapter, Texas Association of Sports Officials – Football must be on record with the Secretary, before the officiating of such games, to receive credit and points.

7)  The Secretary shall be responsible for making changes in officials assigned to ball games when the initiative for the change is originated by the coach or other authorized school official or is originated by the Secretary due to a shortage of available officials, etc. Other requests for changes in officials will be made by the official or officials involved to the Secretary in writing as far in advance as possible and will be subject to the approval of the Secretary and the coaches/school officials involved.

C) Any other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.



A) General Duties:

1) The Assistant Secretary shall keep a game report for new members, to be sent to the state office to obtain credit for points, provided the official(s) continue in good standing as members of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football. The Assistant Secretary shall be a member of the Scholarship Committee.

2) The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary as required, with the preparation of the roster and accompanying materials to be mailed to the coaches or members and with the mailing of said materials.

B) Game Assignment Duties:

1)  The Assistant Secretary shall assign all sub-varsity schedules.

2)  The Assistant Secretary shall assist any coach or school official with the officiating requests, etc. that are not specifically covered in the By-Laws.

3) All sub-varsity games worked, by the officials of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football, shall be recorded by the Assistant Secretary and kept on file.

4) The Assistant Secretary shall be responsible for making changes in officials assigned to football games when the initiative for the change is originated by the coach or other authorized school official or is originated by the Assistant Secretary due to a shortage of available officials.

5) The Assistant Secretary should attempt to provide at least one, preferably two, experienced officials to accompany a lessor experienced official in sub-varsity games.



A) The Treasurer shall be in charge of accounting for all funds of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football. He/she shall keep such records to show the financial condition of the Chapter at all times. These records shall be available to any member upon request.

(1) Two signatures are required on all checks, exceeding $250.00, written by the chapter. The authorized signers shall be:

(a) Treasurer

(b) Vice-President

(c) Recorder

(2) All monies received (checks and cash) shall be deposited in the appropriate checking account.

B) Annually present a budget to the Board of Directors. Approval of this budget shall duly authorize the Treasurer to make payment on any item that is covered therein.

C) All non-budgeted expenditures will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval of payment. Upon approval, the Treasurer shall then be duly authorized to make payment.

D) The Treasurer shall receive all bank account statements, from the Secretary or President, to prepare the Monthly Financial Statements. He/she shall review the statements and shall reconcile the financial ledgers and forward reports to the Board of Directors for approval. These Monthly Financial Statements shall be made available to any of the general membership upon request.

(1) Failure to supply a Monthly Financial Statement shall be grounds for immediate removal of the Treasurer. Any unauthorized expenditure of funds will constitute theft.

E) The Treasurer shall collect all dues, fines and assessments of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

F) The Treasurer shall provide the Secretary a list of officials in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football who have qualified for membership by having paid their dues, fines and assessments.

G) Any other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.



A) The Recorder shall be responsible for keeping the Minutes of each Board of Directors meeting. Typed copies of the minutes must be made a part of the Chapter’s permanent records and they must be made available to any member upon request.

B) The Recorder shall be the administrative officer of the attendance records and regulations of the chapter. He/she shall check attendance at each meeting. He/she shall notify each member when his/her absenteeism begins to be excessive and shall notify the Board of Directors of the same.

C) In general, at the direction of the Executive Committee, the Recorder shall assist in any clerical duties not specifically covered herein.



A) If it is deemed necessary by the Board of Directors that an elected officer or Divisional Representative of the chapter is not performing his/her duties in a satisfactory manner, the Board of Directors may initiate the removal from office procedures. Request for removal of an elected Officer or Divisional Representative initiated by the General Membership must be prepared in writing and submitted by the General Membership through an officer or Divisional Representative to the Board of Directors.

(1) The Board of Directors will meet to determine whether any action should be taken.

(2) A majority vote of the entire Board of Directors is required to take the matter to the General Membership.

(3) In the event Article XIII A) (2) is affirmed, the elected Officer or Divisional Representative will be notified in person that a vote will be taken by the General Membership expressly for the removal of him/her from office. The notice will include the allegations and the date of the General Membership vote.

(4) The General Membership will be notified that removal procedures have begun against the elected Officer or Divisional Representative and will state when the vote will be taken.

(5) The vote will be taken two (2) weeks after the notification of the elected Officer or Divisional Representative and the notification of the General Membership.

B) On the date of the vote to remove the elected Officer or Divisional Representative, the Board of Directors will present the facts in the matter to the General Membership for the purpose of taking a vote on the removal from office, and the elected Officer or Divisional Representative will have the opportunity to present any additional information pertinent to the matter..

C) To remove the elected officer from office, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present and voting is required. If there is a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the removal from office is immediate.

D) To remove a Divisional Representative from office, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the respective division members present and voting is required. If there is a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the removal from office is immediate.

E) If the President of the chapter is the elected officer who is being voted on, the Vice-President will conduct the removal process.



A) Persons making applications at the time prescribed to the Executive Director, TASO – Football, and approved locally will be considered for membership.

B) The members will be recognized as members upon fulfilling the requirements of the By-Laws of the TASO – Football and the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football and upon payment of the required dues and fees to both TASO – Football and the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

C) The membership year of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football will coincide with that of TASO – Football beginning annually on January 1 and ending one year thereafter.

D) A new member shall be defined as a new official, officiating for the first time in TASO – Football.

E) Qualifications for membership in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football for ALL Members is as follows:

(1) Must pass the written test on rules and mechanics as set by TASO – Football.

(2) It is recommended that all members be in good physical condition.  A physical may be required for all members and, if/when directed by the Board of Directors, shall be submitted to TASO – Football.

(3)  Must adhere to all other rules and regulations of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football and TASO – Football.

(4) Must keep an accurate record of all games worked, noting the co-officials, teams playing, game time and location and position(s) worked.

(5) Will be requested to work sub-varsity games to gain experience and for more experienced officials to provide leadership to those officials with less experience.

(6) Must attend at least 50% of the regularly scheduled meetings of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.  Video satellite meeting participation will count toward attendance of regularly scheduled meetings but members must still be in physical attendance at the regional rules meeting and district meeting.  Exceptions must be approved by the Board of Directors, prior to these meetings taking place.

(7) Members who fail to satisfy membership requirements shall be placed in Group 2.



A) All dues for each year shall be paid before the member may vote but no later than December 1. Any member, who has not paid his dues, fines or special assessments by December 1, shall be dropped from the membership of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – The Board of Directors shall determine local reinstatement fees and approval. TASO – Football shall determine the state reinstatement fees.

B) A member shall not:

(1) Influence, request or communicate directly or indirectly, with a coach, athletic director, assigning authority or an athletic governing body to enhance the opportunity of assignment as an official of:

(a) Such member

(b) Another member.

(2) Give, accept or exchange any gift, favor or thing of monetary value or personal gain for possible assignment of any official to a game or match.

(3) Discredit the ability or performance or criticize the assignment of another official or team of officials to gain the opportunity of assignment for:

(a) Such member

(b) Another individual member.

C) Each member must wear the uniform prescribed by TASO – Football.

D) Official who has been assigned a game or scrimmage, and received 14 days or more notice of said assignment must fulfill that game assignment. An official shall be levied the following fines for game turn-backs: (1) $5.00 for a game turned back 7 days of the scheduled game, (2) $10.00 for a game turned back within 48 hours of the scheduled game, (3) $20 for a game turned back within 24 hours of the scheduled game, or (4) An equivalent game fee(s) for a game turned back with less than 24 hours from the scheduled game time if no replacement can be made available or for no-shows. The game fee(s) paid for the no-show shall be paid and split with the official(s) who officiated that scheduled game(s). This policy applies to any scrimmage, sub-varsity, or varsity game assigned by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Amarillo Chapter. Exceptions can only be approved by the Board of Directors. Normal exceptions would include, but not limited to, rescheduling by the Chapter for replacement of official’s scratched or become ill, etc. Only one fine for each game shall be applied. Any levied fine can be contested by the official. Notification of intent to protest must be made in writing to the officials Divisional Representative no later than two (2) weeks following the scheduled assignment. Protests will be heard by the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting at which time the official must present his or her protest in person. Failure to meet both requirements shall forfeit the official’s ability to protest for the game assignment in question. All fines must be paid no later than the end of the month or 15 days, whichever is greater, from the game assignment date. All Board rejected protest fines must be paid immediately at the Board meeting at which the protest is heard. Failure to pay a fine and repeat offenders shall result in further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, removal of any further assignments, assignment to Group 2, or even expulsion from the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

E) Game fees and mileage fees will be governed by the schedule of fees and mileage listed in the Constitution and Contest Rules of the University Interscholastic League.

F) Two consecutive years in Group 2 is grounds for dismissal from the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

G) The acceptance of membership in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football, obligates each member to observe all regulations set forth in the By-Laws of the chapter. Failure to adhere is grounds for expulsion.

H) The Divisional Representatives selected to the Board of Directors will bring before the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors any complaint, problem, suggestion, request, etc., that a member or members wish to be heard by the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.

I) All members shall maintain their demographic and availability to officiate any game or scrimmage in the current selected scheduling system for the Chapter. This includes, but not limited to, the member keeping their name, address, phone number(s), and email addresses up to date. This also includes, but not limited to, the official identifying in the current selected scheduling system for the Chapter the members available and closed days and dates throughout the entire season, including spring and fall football scrimmages. Failure by a member to maintain their demographic and availability to officiate profile shall lead to the fines outlined in Article XV, Section D.



A) All members of TASO- Football transferring from another local chapter will be considered for membership in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football in keeping with following guidelines:

(1) It is recommended the transferring member provide the Board of Director a written recommendation from a qualified officer of the last chapter in which he/she was a member.

(2) The Board of Directors will evaluate the written recommendation and all other information provided, regarding the transfer, and rule on whether or not he/she will be accepted in the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

B) All transfers must adhere to the rules and regulations of TASO – Football and the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.



A) The annual dues of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

B) The annual dues of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football are due seven days prior to the last regular scheduled meeting for the year. Any dues paid after December 1, will be assessed a reinstatement fee to be established by the Board of Directors. No member may vote if his or her dues for the next year are not paid seven days prior to the last regular scheduled meeting.

C) No game assignments will be made by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary for the year following January 1, if the dues, fines and/or assessments have not been paid.

D) If an official pays his or her dues for the year following, and then is unable to officiate, his or her local dues, less a $5 administrative fee, will be refunded by the Treasurer upon written notification by the official. Dues shall not be refunded after June 1 of the upcoming season.

E) Assessments must be presented to the general membership by the Board of Directors and voted thereon. A simple majority of the members present and voting shall constitute acceptance or rejection.

F) A gratuity shall be paid to the Secretary each year for duties performed. The amount shall be determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors. If funds are not available, an assessment will be made of the general membership of the chapter.

G) A gratuity shall be paid to the Assistant Secretary each year for the duties performed. The amount shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. If funds are not available, an assessment will be made of the general membership of the chapter.



A) The regular meetings of the chapter shall be determined by the Board of Directors and conveyed to the general membership by the Secretary. The President may call special meetings at any time.

B) All members of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football must attend either an approved Local or State Rules Interpretation Meeting.



A) There shall be the following standing committees:

(1) Executive Committee — Shall be composed of the President, Immediate Past President (only in the year after vacating the office of President), Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Recorder.

(2) Nominating Committee — Shall be appointed by the President and consist of at least five (5) members. It shall be responsible for bringing before the membership a list of nominees for each office for the succeeding year.

(3) Scholarship Committee — Shall be responsible for bringing before the Membership Committee a list of nominees for scholarships. The Vice-President shall be the chairman of this committee. The President of the chapter shall appoint other members.

(4) Other committees may be appointed by the President as needed to carry on the work of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.



A) It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to:

(1) Act as the governing body of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

(2) Propose any needed special assessments.

(3) Enforce attendance requirements or approve attendance exceptions per by-law regulations.

(4) Enforce regulation governing uniforms, neat dress and appearance.

(5) Establish time, place and dates of regular meetings.

(6) Keep up-to-date policies of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

(7) Enforce payment of dues, fines and assessments of each member.

(8) Approve all budgeted and non-budgeted expenditures.

B) The Board of Directors shall have the power to make full investigation of all alleged violations of the By-Laws of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football by any member. C) The Board of Directors, after consultation with the accused, shall have the power to suspend any member from the chapter in matters concerning:

(1) Violations of regulations regarding the solicitation of games.

(2) Failure of any member to give full cooperation to the committee in the investigation on any manner.

(3) Conduct of any member detrimental to the reputation of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football.

D) The Board of Directors must notify any member with a violation, for which suspension is recommended, in person. The notification shall state charges and a request for the member to be present at the meeting in which:

(1) The charges are read and the recommendations are made.

(2) The vote is taken.

E) Any disciplinary action taken against any member of the chapter shall be immediately reported to the Board of Directors, TASO – Football. Any suspension may be appealed to the general membership by the member. Two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football, present and voting may overturn a suspension. F) The Board of Directors shall be responsible for appointing a qualified, experienced official or officials to conduct observation and grading of working officials.

(1) Observations will be made based on the following priorities:

(a) Observations of officials who have had frequent and/or serious complaints.

(b) Observations of new officials at random.

(c ) Observations of other officials at random.

(2) The results of the observations and gradings will be reported to the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors will take appropriate action when necessary to correct and/or improve poor officiating.

(3) The Treasurer will use designated funds to compensate the official or officials making such observations where necessary.



A) The purpose of the Scholarship Committee shall be to assist and encourage, by financial means, the continuation of officiating careers in the Amarillo Chapter with specific emphasis toward assisting new members.

B) It shall be the duty of the Scholarship Committee to:

(1) Select qualified members in good standing to receive financial assistance to assisting the continuation of their officiating careers. Qualifications shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) Performance

(b) Attendance

(c ) Attitude

(d) Willingness to assist the chapter

(e) Financial need

(2) Make nominations to the Board of Directors with regard to potential recipients by the next to last regular scheduled meeting of each year.

C) Scholarship Funds.

(1) Scholarships shall be awarded at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.

(2) Scholarship funds shall be made available to the chapter by donations.

(3) Funds shall be kept in separate interest-bearing account.



A quorum for transacting business shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors.


Upon the dissolution of the Amarillo Chapter, TASO – Football, assets shall be distributed for the benefit of one or more exempt purposes within the definition of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

Constitution and By-Laws combined and revised October 4, 1999. Approved October 18, 1999.
Amended September 15, 2003.
Amended October 30, 2006.
Amended August 11, 2008
Amended September 26, 2011
Amended October 15, 2013
Amended October 15, 2020


Application for Membership

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